Desert Settlement at Sunset

Returning to this viewpoint year after year, I’ve watched as the small cluster of white buildings (trailers?) at the bottom of this canyon keeps growing. Worksite? Settlement? Cult? Who knows, but I feel like there’s a good noir mystery to be written from this starting point.

Desert Settlement at Sunset

Sun Peaks Around the Mountain

Though I missed it when I originally processed them, I was entertained to look back at this pair of shots from early spring in Salisbury, Connecticut—one pointing northeast and the other pointing southeast. The light of the rising sun is visible in the distance in both directions where the shadow of the mountain over town is absent.

Sun Peaks Around the Mountain I

Sun Peaks Around the Mountain II

Spring Light Lasts Longest (on the Field)

Delicate, not-fully-chlorophyll’ed spring foliage may be bright on its own, but being the only objects still tall enough to catch the sunlight once Trinity’s Long Walk gets in the way really makes the campus’s trees stand out all the more.

Spring Light Lasts Longest (on the Field)

Chapel Against Spring Clouds

Spending so much time on Trinity’s campus through a long, perfect spring, I’ve been contemplating what makes it so aesthetically appealing—what makes it the place that really motivated me to get into photography to begin with. The contrast between imposing, heavy, harsh neogothic structures and delicate, organic, fragile magnolias makes both seem so much more specific and unique.

Chapel Against Spring Clouds

Spring Light Highlights the Long Walk

Though a city might not seem like the most obvious place to celebrate Earth Day, I’ve honestly been astonished since my move to Hartford just how many big old trees shelter the city. Between the greenery and the public transportation, this place gives me some optimism.

Spring Light Highlights the Long Walk

A Spring Morning at Trinity College

Perfect, breezy, warm, and effulgent spring days have sprawled across Trinity’s campus, rather like students on the quad. Grading papers in my office can at least be softened by an open window and the resulting smell of flowers.

A Spring Morning at Trinity College